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 Driver Licences 

Unless you have already obtained an International Driving Permit, if your overseas driver licence is in a language other than English you will need to have it translated by an NZTA-approved translator to be legally able to drive on New Zealand’s roads.


Eurolinguist Translation Solutions is an authorised translation service provider for NZTA, providing translations of driver licences from all French, Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries. Using this translation, you will be able to drive with your overseas licence for a period of up to 18 months.

If you leave and re-enter the country within that initial 18-month period, the period begins all over again. However, if you stay in New Zealand for more than 18 consecutive months you will then need to convert your licence to a New Zealand licence. You will be able to use the same translation to apply for licence conversion. For more information on driving in New Zealand using an overseas licence, click here.


Australia has different requirements for the translation of overseas driver licences. I am a NAATI-certified translator so I can also prepare your driver licence translation for Australia. Please note that this is a separate translation and format to the NZTA-approved translation.


 Official Documents for Immigration New Zealand 

No matter which visa you are applying for, I can provide you with the certified translations you need to submit your application. The most common documents that clients request to be translated for immigration purposes are:
-Birth certificates
-Marriage certificates
-Criminal record certificates
-Academic documents
-Medical letters

-Identity documents

-Documents proving employment
-Documents proving a stable relationship (bank records, travel bookings, proof of address, joint purchases, support letters from friends and family, and more)

Depending on the type and purpose of each document, it might be possible to carry out a selective translation of certain documents, rather than a full translation. This can keep the cost down for large volumes of similar documents containing superfluous information and it can result in a quicker turnaround time. 


PLEASE NOTE: Eurolinguist Translation Solutions is not a licensed immigration advisory service and is therefore not authorised to give advice on which documents need to be translated or included in your visa application. To find out which documents are required for your application, please consult an immigration adviser for professional advice or visit the website of Immigration New Zealand.


 Academic Documents 

Obtaining certified translations of your academic documents can be an important step towards determining your future in New Zealand. Whether you wish to further your studies at an academic institution in New Zealand, apply for registration with a professional body or have your overseas qualifications assessed by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) for immigration purposes, I can provide reliable and carefully researched translations of all your qualifications and related documents. My translations are accepted by NZQA, Immigration New Zealand and professional registration authorities in New Zealand and I have years of experience in translating academic documents from French, Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries. For more information regarding qualification assessments by NZQA, click here.


 Other Official Documents 

There are also numerous other situations for which certified translations may be required, such as:
- Insurance claims
- Court proceedings
- Refugee status claims
- Import/export procedures
- Family trust and inheritance matters
- Job applications
- Medical consultations/procedures

- Mortgage applications


 NAATI Translations 


(French, Spanish and Portuguese to English)

I am also certified by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) in all my language pairs and am therefore authorised to issue certified translations for use in Australia. I can handle all of your certified translation needs for immigration purposes, driver licensing and professional registration.


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